Misty Lassiter

Misty Lassiter


About me

I am a graduate student in the Adult, Professional, and Community Education doctoral program at Texas State University. I have graduate degrees in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL, MA 2014) and Rhetoric and Composition (MA 2009), as well as studying English and Creative Writing as an undergraduate (BA, 2004). Prior to entering doctoral study, I was a writing consultant for 8 years specializing in business, nursing, ESOL, and documentation styles. I have taught writing and ESOL since 2007. I began editing dissertations in 2011 and have taken editing jobs sporadically since that time.

As a scholar in the field of adult education, I genuinely believe in lifelong learning. Editing disserations is not only motivating for me in the completion of my own scholarly endeavors, but it also contributes to my knowledge base and my desire to be constantly learning and growing. I would love to assist you on your journey toward completing your doctoral degree and achieving your goals. Please let me know how I can help!


Service Price
References: APA or MLA; references, in-text citations, and reference page.
Checking for conformity to APA or MLA writing style (word usage, tense, pronoun gender, etc.) falls under light editing – see below.
For other citation styles, please email with specifics.
Dissertation/Thesis formatting: aligning disserations and theses with graduate college guidelines, including margins, spacing, front matter, appendices, etc.

In the event that the graduate college returns your document for additional formatting changes, I will make these changes at no additional cost.
$3.50 per page
Proofreading and editing: reading through the entire document to check and correct for errors, including typos, spelling, punctuation, and general grammar.

* For unclear content, I will highlight, explain concerns, and leave for the author to make corrections.
$5.00 per page
The works: everything listed above. Contact me for pricing and turnaround time

Turnaround time

Turnaround time depends on the length of the document, complexity of edits needed, and graduation deadlines. One week minimum is needed for most services.

Discounts are available if you provide more advanced notice and allow longer turnaround time. As you might expect, the end of the semseter is a busy time and my capacity will be limited. Due to shorter turnaround times needed during summer sessions, prices will increase accordingly.

Sliding Scale

For those experiencing financial hardship, I offer services on a sliding scale. If this is you, mention it when you contact me, and we can discuss the fees.